Bougainvillea is a great, evergreen plant that can be grown in many different climates. Bougainvillea plants are easy to grow and maintain, but they do require regular fertilization. In this blog post, we will discuss when and how to fertilize your Bougainvillea plant as well as the best feeding guide for it. We will also cover some ways you can choose the right fertilizer for your needs and which NPK ratio would work best for you!

What are the benefits of using fertilizer for bougainvillea?

Bougainvillea fertilizing can help to promote healthy and vigorous growth. Fertilizer can also help to improve the color of your Bougainvillea’s blooms. By using a fertilizer that is specifically designed for flowering plants, you can help ensure that your Bougainvillea gets the nutrients it needs to look its best.

When to fertilize bougainvillea?

The best time to fertilize your Bougainvillea is in the spring when new growth begins to emerge. You can also fertilize in the summer if desired. However, be sure not to over-fertilize, as this can actually harm your plant. A light application of fertilizer once a month as new growth emerges is usually sufficient.

How to fertilize bougainvillea?

You can either use a liquid or granular fertilizer, depending on what works best for you. When choosing a liquid fertilizer, look for one with an NPK ratio of 6-8-10. For granular fertilizers, one that has an NPK ratio of 17-7-10 is ideal.

There are a few ways you can fertilize your bougainvillea: by hand, with a hose-end sprayer, or with a garden sprinkler. If you choose to use a handheld tool like a bucket or watering can be sure to dilute the fertilizer before pouring it on the plant. This will help avoid any damage to the leaves.

Fertilizer application rates for bougainvillea

Fertilizer application rates for Bougainvillea vary depending on what type of fertilizer is used. The most common types are water-soluble, slow-release granules, and time-release capsules. Water-soluble fertilizers dissolve quickly in the soil so they deliver nutrients more quickly than other types of products. Slow-release fertilizers slowly release their nutrients into the soil over an extended period of time, while capsule-based products are simply small pellets that are placed around or near plants’ roots to be released when watered by rain or irrigation tubing which means there’s no need for additional applications. There are also organic fertilizers, but they aren’t recommended for Bougainvillea because it’s an acid-loving plant. If you want to go the organic way, opt for manure instead, this is a natural fertilizer that can be used with most plants and will help promote healthy growth.

How to Fertilize your Bougainvillea

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