Nutrients content

Nitrogen Total (N) 18%
Phosphorus Pentoxide (P205) 1%
Potassium Oxide (K2O) 8%

What is 18-1-8 fertilizer? This type of fertilization comes in a bag, and it contains nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium. It has a ratio of 18 parts nitrogen to 1 part phosphorous to 8 parts potash. There are many ways you can use this type of fertilizer for your lawn or garden. In this blog post, we will be discussing the benefits of using 18-1-8 fertilizer as well as how to properly apply it!

What Does 18-1-8 Fertilizer Mean?

The numbers 18-1-8 are the percentage of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium respectively. The ratio is important because plants need varying amounts of each nutrient to thrive. For example, one might require more phosphorous than nitrogen while another needs high levels of potassium over both nutrients.

What is 18-1-8 Fertilizer Good for?

18-1-8 fertilizer is good for plants that need high nitrogen. The 18 in the name indicates there are eighteen percent of this nutrient included in the product. This type of fertilizer can be used to promote lush green leaves and healthy growth during spring, summer, fall months when plants require more nitrogen than other nutrients.

When to use it?

18-1-8 Fertilizer should be applied in early spring and fall. This fertilizer can also be used to promote blooming, but it is not recommended for use during winter months when the temperature drops below twenty degrees Fahrenheit.

Best 18-1-8 Fertilizer

Suståne 18-1-8 Organic Maintenance Fertilizer

With the introduction of Suståne fertilizers, you’ll never have to worry about where your plants got their nutrients. Never fret again about whether or not it’s okay for composted yard clippings (or biodegradable bags) to be in your soil or if they can make water sources polluted. With this totally organic-based nitrogen fertilizer blend formulated with all primary, secondary, and micronutrients required for plant growth, you’ll soon be on the path toward living that sustainable life while saving yourself time and energy! Just top-dress your lawns, fairways, and sports fields with our ever so easy 18-1-8+Fe fertilizer solution!

18-1-8 fertilizer benefits

There are numerous benefits to using 18-1-8 fertilizer. This type of product will help your plants grow in a healthy and sustainable way by promoting optimal growth throughout the year when applied at appropriate times. There is no need for multiple fertilizers with this one, just apply it once every few weeks during the growing season and you should have beautiful flowers all year long!

The use of 18-1-8 fertilizer can also be beneficial for gardeners who want to keep their lawns lush green without having to worry about over or under application rates. Just make sure that the weather conditions do not interfere with applying this product appropriately otherwise there could be some damage done from burning leaves or plant life if too much is used on grassy areas due to freezing temperatures after applying.

How to use 18-1-8 fertilizer

It’s important to read the instructions on your fertilizer bag before application because every product has different rates and how often they should be used. If you use a water-soluble type (the kind that dissolves as soon as it hits soil) then just mix in with a watering can or hose sprayer, being careful not to apply too much.

If you have a granular one that is slow release then simply scatter around plants or lawns evenly after applying diluted liquid into the soil – following ratios of six parts water to one part fertilizer for grasses and flowers.

For trees, shrubs, flowers, and vegetables try using an 18-1-8 organic plant food instead since it won’t burn leaves when applied properly! In fact, this will help fertilize your plants and give them the energy to produce more fruits and vegetables.

How much to apply: The general rule of thumb with any type of fertilizer is “less is more,” including 18-1-8 fertilizers. Too much nitrogen promotes leggy plants that do not produce healthy fruit or flowers because they divert energy away from these processes toward extending their stalks. If you plant a vegetable garden each year, make sure you add composted manure spaded into your soil before planting time rather than using chemical fertilizers which pack down your soil over.

18-1-8 Fertilizer: What It Means & Way to Use It

Type of Plants:


Swiss chard
Swiss chard


Nitrogen level
Phosphorus level
Potassium level

Can be used with these types of agriculture


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