Nutrients content

Nitrogen Total (N) 16%
Phosphorus Pentoxide (P205) 0%
Potassium Oxide (K2O) 1%

What is a 16-0-1 Fertilizer? If you are a farmer, then the answer to that question should be something that is very familiar with. However, if you are not in agriculture, then this might be new information for you. Whether it’s your first time hearing about 16-0-1 fertilizer or not, there are some things that you will want to know before using it on your farm. This article will teach how to use 16-0-1 fertilizer and educate people on what it means so they can make an informed decision when purchasing this product for their farm.

What Does 16-0-1 Fertilizer Mean?

This fertilizer is a combination of three nutrients. It contains 16% nitrogen, 0% phosphorous, and 1% potassium which make up its percentage nutrient blend. To put it simply, 16-0-1 fertilizer is a combination of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous.

There are many benefits to using 16-0-1 fertilizer. This is slow-release nitrogen which means that it will feed the plants gradually over time rather than all at once. It also contains other nutrients such as phosphorus and potassium which may be lacking in your soil, so this product provides them for you!

What is 16-0-1 Fertilizer Good for?

16-0-fertilizer is good for plants that are growing in containers, houseplants, and flower beds. It also works well on lawns during the warm season. Use 16-0-one fertilizer when transplanting or repotting houseplants to maintain plant vigor throughout summer.

When should I use 16-0-1 Fertilizer?

This type of fertilizer can be applied any time during the growing season (summer or fall) but typically its best used when planting new seeds or clones because it doesn’t burn like quick release fertilizers might if they were incorrectly mixed with water and/or exposed to extremely hot weather conditions.

There are several factors that will determine the right time for your farm to apply 16-0-1 fertilizer including crop type, weather conditions, and soil texture among others. You want to start using this product at least four weeks before planting season begins so there is enough time for the nitrogen to be absorbed and lessen transplant shock. The right time for fertilization is six weeks after planting, but you can also apply it two weeks before harvest as a precautionary measure if your plants are growing slowly or not thriving well.

16-0-1 fertilizer benefits

  • If you need a fertilizer with high nitrogen content, it can help to increase the biomass and number of crops.
  • Nitrogen can promote photosynthesis and protein synthesis, which will increase the value of crops.
  • It also can increase leaf area and improve crop quality.
  • In the event of a water shortage or drought, the plant will suffer.
  • If you use a 16-0-1 fertilizer solution to water your plants, it can help avoid this situation because nitrogen has a watering effect. Even in dry soil conditions, if there is enough water for one day of growth, then nitrogen promotes early root development and flower formation – even without irrigation!

How to use 16-0-1 fertilizer?

You can use liquid fertilizer, granular or slow release. For example, if you are using a water-soluble powder fertilizer with a 16% nitrogen concentration, then the solution is watered every day to provide this rate of nitrogen per time unit. You just have to dissolve one level teaspoon of powder into four liters of clean water. As long as there is no growth in your plants after watering – they will grow better! And let’s not forget that microorganisms living on plant roots need trace elements for healthy development too! So be sure to add these whenever fertilizing, whether it’s by hand or machine: boron (B), copper (Cu), and zinc(Zn).

What is 16-0-1 Fertilizer and How to Use It: Everything You Need To Know

Type of Plants:


Swiss chard
Swiss chard


Nitrogen level
Phosphorus level
Potassium level

Can be used with these types of agriculture


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