5-1-1 fertilizer is a balanced mix of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium. It can be used for many different types of plants and it’s really easy to apply. Read on to find out more about 5-1-1 fertilizer! What Does 5-1-1 Fertilizer
45-0-0 Fertilizer: Your Complete Guide
If you are looking to maximize the amount of fruit and vegetables grown in your garden this year, then it is important that you have a good understanding of 45-0-0 fertilizer. This type of fertilizer is made up primarily of
40-0-0 Fertilizer: What It Means, Benefits & Way to Use It
40-0-0 fertilizer is a mixture of nitrogen, phosphate, and potash. This type of fertilizer is not as popular as other types, but it can be an excellent choice for some plants that thrive in alkaline soil. 40-0-0 fertilizer offers several
46-0-0 Fertilizer: How and When to Use It
There are a lot of different fertilizer products on the market, but one that is often overlooked is 46-0-0 Fertilizer. In this article, we will discuss: what does the 46-0-0 fertilizer mean; what is it made of and what are
4-6-3 Fertilizer: What It Means & Way to Use It
Do you know what 4-6-3 fertilizer means? Many people don’t, but it’s important to understand that this is the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium in a fertilizer. This article will discuss when and how to use 4-6-3 fertilizer as
4-4-2 Fertilizer: What It Means, When and How to Use
What is 4-4-2 fertilizer? A mixture of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium. It is a popular fertilizer for lawns in the United States. The ratio of these three elements in this type of fertilizer means that it should be applied evenly
4-6-4 Fertilizer: A Comprehensive Guide to Usage
4-6-4 Fertilizer is a type of fertilizer that has nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium in it. The name comes from the ratio of these three elements within the fertilizer—namely, 4 parts nitrogen to 6 parts phosphorous to 4 parts potassium. It’s
4-8-5 Fertilizer: What It Means, When to Use & How To Apply
4-8-5 Fertilizer is a fertilizer that has been used for decades. This type of fertilizer contains 4% nitrogen, 8% phosphate, and 5% potash. It can be applied at any time during the growing season or in the off-season. The best
30-0-3 Fertilizer: What It Means & Way to Use It
Do you know what fertilizer you are using on your plants and garden? If not, then it is time to take a closer look. You could be missing out on some great benefits that come with fertilizing plants. Fertilizers can
32-0-4 Fertilizer: What It Is & How to Use it
If you have a lawn and want to keep it green, lush, and healthy all summer long, then you need to fertilize. There are many different types of fertilizer available on the market today. One often used for home lawns