Nutrients content

Nitrogen Total (N) 3%
Phosphorus Pentoxide (P205) 3%
Potassium Oxide (K2O) 3%

A healthy garden is the dream of every gardener. But what is the secret to a successful garden? A lot of it has to do with proper fertilizer application. Fertilizers are often misunderstood by homeowners, and this leads to problems like over-fertilizing or under-fertilizing their gardens. We will discuss 3-3-3 fertilizer, which is a mixture of nitrogen (N), phosphate (P2O5), and potassium (K2O). This article will go over the basics about this type of fertilizer as well as provide instructions on how to use it properly in your yard or garden!

What Does 3-3-3 Fertilizer Mean?

The first number of the fertilizer name refers to nitrogen. The second number refers to phosphorus, and the third one is potassium.

While you can use fertilizers with other numbers or ratios, it’s advised that you stick to using just this type for your plants because they are balanced well enough so as not to damage any specific element in them. Moreover, if certain elements are missing from the plant composition then adding those later will be harder than simply applying a balanced fertilizer right away.

What is 3-3-3 Fertilizer Good for?

This specific fertilizer is perfect for feeding your lawn, flowers, and vegetables. Applying it will help you achieve the best results when caring for any of these plants because they need all three components in order to grow properly: nitrogen (which boosts leafy growth), phosphorus (which strengthens plant roots), and potassium (which speeds up overall growth).

Best 3-3-3 Fertilizer

1. Bonsai Fertilizer 3-3-3

Put living plants on the fast track to becoming full-size plants with Bonsai Fertilizer 3-3-3. This liquid fertilizer helps ensure healthy root development, which leads to the successful planting of starter and new seedlings. The low odor formula means it can be used outside or indoors without attracting animals or creating a foul smell.

2. Starter Mix 3-3-3

Start your garden off right with Down To Earth’s Starter Mix 3-3-3. We include ingredients to minimize transplant shock and give your plants the nutrients they need for an early growth spurt. For you, that means a fuller, healthier harvest!

3. VeganO 3-3-3 Fertilizer

VeganO 3-3-3 Fertilizer promotes vigorous growth and higher yields in the garden all season long. Made from 100% vegan ingredients, VeganO is an organic fertilizer that won’t harm your soil or wildlife as traditional fertilizers do. Make sure your vegetables, flowers, and herbs thrive with this easy-to-use formula!

When to use it?

There are several different situations where you would want to use this type of fertilizer. For instance, if your plant is struggling because it doesn’t have any flowers yet then you can apply a small amount around the base of each flower stem. If there are many leaves but no fruit or vegetables forming on your plants, then try applying some right onto these fruits and veggies themselves – they will absorb whatever nutrients they need from the soil as soon as possible before reaching maturity!

Finally, remember that all gardens — especially those containing flowers and/or vegetables — benefit greatly from using balanced fertilizers like this one at least once every year during early springtime when everything starts growing again after winter has passed by.

How to use 3-3-3 fertilizer for a successful garden

A thorough understanding of NPK and feeding plants is an essential gardening practice. The nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium ratio in fertilizer helps determine the success or failure of your plant’s growth. While many people are familiar with this basic formula for fertilizers, knowing how to apply it correctly may not be common knowledge! If you’re interested in applying triple-three (N-P-K) balanced fertilizer to your garden, read on below.

Fertilizer Application Rate

When using any type of fertilizer, whether organic or chemical-based, it’s important to know what application rate works best. According to Purdue University Department of Horticulture Publication #HO45, when growing vegetables use 15-30 lbs/acre at planting and side-dress with another 15 lbs/acre three weeks later. For fruit crops, use 20-40 lbs/acre at planting and again about 60 days after the first treatment.

How to Use Triple 3 npk Fertilizer for a Successful Garden

Type of Plants:


Green peas
Green peas


Nitrogen level
Phosphorus level
Potassium level

Can be used with these types of agriculture


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