Nutrients content

Nitrogen Total (N) 0%
Phosphorus Pentoxide (P205) 45%
Potassium Oxide (K2O) 0%

What is 0-45-0 fertilizer? It’s a type of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizer that contains between 45% potash. This article will go into detail about when you should apply this type of fertilizer to your plants, what it means, the best times to use it, and how much to apply.

What Does 0-45-0 Fertilizer Mean?

Fertilizer comes in many different types, and each one has a number on the package. The first number is how high it rates for nitrogen; the next two numbers are phosphorus and potassium respectively; finally, there’s an “0” in front of the last three digits-this tells you how much potash or phosphates that fertilizer contains. So, if your fertilizer says 0-45-0, then it means 45% (or close to) of these nutrients come from potash while 55% comes from nitrates.

The difference between using a 0-45-0 fertilizer versus all other fertilizers will be more visible when plants need additional potassium as their soil quality declines over time rather than just needing greater.

What is 0-45-0 Fertilizer Good for?

  • Fruit tree crops like peaches, apricots, and apples.
  • Blueberry bushes.
  • Grapes or blackberries when planting new vines in the ground.
  • Vegetables such as green beans, potatoes, and squash require a lot of potassium to thrive.

It is Recommended to use this type of fertilizers on all fruit trees (except citrus) every year at least once between late fall after harvest time through early spring before buds start to form again ­­– it’s also good for blueberry bushes since they may need additional potassium over other types of plants due to their shallow roots; grapes or blackberries if you’re replanting vineyards.

When to Use It?

You should always apply this fertilizer before seeding while transplanting, or during fallow periods for maximum benefits! At least once between late fall after harvest time through early spring before buds start to form again ­­– it’s also good for blueberry bushes since they may need additional potassium over other types of plants due to their shallow roots; grapes or blackberries if you’re replanting vineyards. To use this type of fertilizer on all fruit trees (except citrus) every year at least once in the summer, middle-late winter, and then two more times during the next growing season.

Tips: When is it appropriate to use 0-45-0 fertilizers?

Start using phosphorous as soon as you plant something in the ground or potting soil (though it can work well earlier). Use if tomatoes are looking droopy or unhealthy; when you want flowers and other vegetables to grow more robustly with increased flowering power. Great for lawns too!

Best 0-45-0 Fertilizer

1 Espoma Triple Super Phosphate 0-45-0

Espoma Triple Super Phosphate is a phosphorous-rich fertilizer that helps plants grow their roots and produce more fruit and flowers. Granular for easy application, this product will give you faster growth than ever before!

2 TerraLink 0-45-0 Triple Super Phosphate

This is a great option if your soil is running low on phosphates and needs the extra boost as plants are about to go dormant in winter. Triple Super Phosphate contains higher levels of calcium to take care of those roots that need warmth while planting or hardening off new transplants!

3 Simplot Triple Super Phosphate 0-45-0 Fertilizer

Triple Super Phosphate 0-45-0 Fertilizer is a highly effective fertilizer available for all crops under any soil condition. It blends well with other fertilizers and is most effective when broadcast incorporated into the ground or applied pre-plant to alfalfa and other legumes before seeding, but can also be used as a top dressing on established plants at any time that soil conditions permit.

0-45-0 Fertilizer Benefits

0-45-0 fertilizer is a blended general purpose fertilizer that contains nitrogen, phosphate, and potash. It’s also referred to as “triple superphosphate.” 0-45-0 Fertilizer provides both quick-acting (nitrogen) and long-term release nutrients (phosphorus).

The benefits of using this type of fertilizer include:

  • Effectively supplies essential plant nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium;
  • Requires fewer applications over time than other fertilizers;
  • Provides an excellent source for phosphorus which helps plants produce more flowers or fruit;
  • No need to mix different types of fertilizers because it already includes all three major nutrient sources.

How to Use 0-45-0 Fertilizer

This slow-release fertilizer should be applied at planting time and then every four to six weeks until the end of September. Apply one pound per 100 square feet for best results. Remember that 0-45-0 starts working immediately, so within a few days your plants will start showing signs of improvement!

Applying 0-45-0 Fertilizer

Apply 0-45-0 fertilizer in the spring or early summer before planting, and again four to six weeks after planting.

If using sod clippings as mulch for your garden beds, apply any time during the year – this will help keep moisture levels higher

When applying at other times of the year, use one pound per 100 square feet

It’s best to water thoroughly with a soaker hose after application to promote absorption into the soil.

For plants that are not yet established (less than three years old), apply every eight weeks; moving up from once a month when they are more mature. Apply an amount equal to one pound per 100 sq ft. Do not fertilize newly planted trees until growth begins in late April.

0-45-0 Fertilizer: How To Use It And When You Should Apply

Type of Plants:


Swiss chard
Swiss chard


Nitrogen level
Phosphorus level
Potassium level

Can be used with these types of agriculture


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