Nutrients content

Nitrogen Total (N) 0%
Phosphorus Pentoxide (P205) 0%
Potassium Oxide (K2O) 22%

The fertilizer industry has come a long way over the years, but sometimes it can be difficult for farmers to keep up with all of the new advancements in this ever-changing world. One such advancement is 0-0-22 Fertilizer. But what does 0-0-22 mean? It stands for nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) in parts per million. These three nutrients are essential for plant growth and development, and getting them in the correct ratios can help your plants grow strong and healthy.

What Does 0-0-22 Fertilizer Mean?

Nitrogen supports rapid greening during periods of heavy vegetative growth by promoting leafy formation when applied at moderate rates or higher; Phosphorus helps strengthen cell walls while helping roots take up water and nutrients from the soil; Potassium is important for photosynthesis, which helps plants convert light into sugars.

This ratio also means that you can use a higher application rate of potassium without having to use an equal application rate of nitrogen and phosphorus.

The ratio is not a recommendation for every type of plant life, but instead, it’s a guideline that can be adapted to specific plant types with care taken in fertilization management.

What is 0-0-22 Fertilizer Good for?

What is 0 -0- 22 Fertilizer Used For? This type of fertilizer should only be used on vegetables that need high fertilization rates like corn or beans since they don’t have much time before they will need the nutrients.

No fertilizer is perfect, and 0-0-22 has a few disadvantages as well. It can’t be used on plants that like to have more nitrogen than phosphorus (like some flowering plants), or for those with soil pH over seven since it’s not soluble at high levels of acidity. Also, if you’re using this kind of fertilizer in an area where there are acidic materials around such as limestone rock, iron deposits, pyrite ore, or aluminum oxide then it should only be applied once every two years because they’ll damage its effectiveness long term.

When to use it?

0-0-22 Fertilizer is a type of fertilizer that can be used in both food crops and non-food crop gardens. It’s recommended to use it when there are signs your plants aren’t getting what they need, such as slow growth or death. Non-food crop gardens like flowers and shrubs should have this applied weekly during the growing season for increased growth. This fertilizing product should apply once every two weeks on lawns or any other food crop, depending on how often you want to water them. Keep in mind 0-0-22 fertilizer will damage its effectiveness long term if it isn’t reapplied at least once every year!

Best 0-0-22 Fertilizer

1 Down To Earth’s Langbeinite 0-0-22

Down To Earth’s Langbeinite, 0-0-22 is a naturally mined crystalline mineral that supplies the water-soluble sulfate form of three vital plant nutrients: potassium, magnesium, and sulfur. Its maximum chlorine content is less than 3.0 percent, minimizing the potential for fertilizer “burn,” and its neutral pH does not alter soil activity.

2 0-0-22 Premium K-Mag

Unique 3 in 1 combination of potassium, magnesium, and sulfur dissolved gradually for continuous nutrient release during the growing season. 22% soluble potash helps support vigorous root development while 11% magnesium supports lush turf and green plant growth.

0-0-22 fertilizer benefits

0-0-22 fertilizer benefits include:

  • Boosts plant growth and reduces transplant shock.
  • Promotes deep root development for more drought tolerance, stronger plants with less chance of winter injury, a thicker turf that’s healthier-looking year-round.
  • Helps nutrient availability in the soil throughout the growing season.
  • Allows you to lower your application rate by up to 50% while still maintaining healthy robust plants! Lower rates mean more dollars saved on both product and labor costs without sacrificing results or quality!
  • Maintains pH levels so as not to alter soil activity which can lead to nutrient lockouts (especially when using high nitrogen fertilizers).

How to use 0-0-22 fertilizer

  • Apply weekly to newly established seedlings during the growing season, always applying at least two weeks before anticipated spring frost date.
  • Every two weeks for newly established seedlings during the growing season, and then once a month thereafter until the establishment is complete (usually about three months)
  • Do not exceed monthly application rates; if you are applying more than one type of fertilizer use their combined weight to determine how much product should be applied each time to maintain appropriate levels.

Applying 0-0-22 Fertilizer

We recommend applying 0-0-22 fertilizer once a month (or every 14 days) until the establishment is complete. Make sure to never apply more than the general application rate of 0.75 lbs per 1000 sq ft or 24 grams per square meter for most turfgrass types, including golf course greens-you can mix different fertilizers together as long as you maintain appropriate levels of each type of product in your overall program.

0-0-22 Fertilizer: What It Means & Way to Use It

Type of Plants:


Swiss chard
Swiss chard
Green peas
Green peas


Nitrogen level
Phosphorus level
Potassium level

Can be used with these types of agriculture


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